
Everyone has an opinion on Food, and so does the OneRare community. Weโ€™re building a community that loves its food and games equally, and enjoys the leap into Web3.

Our community plays a very active role in driving the Foodverse forward :

FREE MARKET ECONOMY Our Farmers create an authentic Free Market economy that runs similar to real-life farmer markets. They determine the pricing of ingredients, and the demand:supply ratio creates competitive pricing forrops. Similar to an excess onion supply in the real-life market causing a price drop, OneRare Onions will also get listed for cheaper if more farmers start selling the crop.

THEMED CONTESTS & QUIZZES With Food being the centre of all celebrations across the world, OneRare will celebrate special occasions & with themed contests and quizzes for our community.

  • Holiday contests for Christmas, Thanksgiving, Chinese New Year, Diwali

  • Special Days like World Food Day, International Taco Day

  • World events like Nobel Laureates Dinner Menu, Titanic First Class Menu

The OneRare community will have an active voice in propelling the game forward & helping us grow the foodverse.

Last updated