👩‍🍳2. Cook in the Kitchen

The hotspot of our foodverse, the OneRare Kitchen features Dishes from across the world. Every Dish features a Recipe - a special list of Ingredients used to make the Dish.

Players must collect and combine all required Ingredient NFTs to cook up the Dish NFT. Once the user combines the Ingredients together, the NFTs burn and combine to create a Level 1 Dish NFT.

For example, to cook up the French Fries NFT, a player must combine Potato, Cooking Oil and Salt.


Use the Dish Calculator to see what Dishes can be formed the fastest using your Ingredients in wallet. The Calculator will give you a complete assessment of which dishes are ready to be cooked and which dishes are almost there.

Once you make your Dish, you can start playing games, or level up for more power.

Last updated